Sunday, October 2, 2011

My personal summary of A Promise to Believe In

The book, A Promise To Believe In, is a story about three unmarried sisters in the Wild West. 

Gwen Gallatin, the oldest, is struggling with her grief from the deaths of her husband and father. Her husband, Harvey Bishop, died ten days after they were married, and her father died in an accidental shooting after Gwen had sent him off to buy something. She believes that she has some sort of curse from God that makes everyone around her die. But when Harvey's supposed brother Hank, shows up, things change for her. Harvey had never told her that he had a brother, and that his parents, very much alive, were dead. Gwen struggles with the fact that her husband had been living a lie, and is very much disturbed by Hank's appearance in her life.

Beth Gallatin, the second oldest, hates Hank for nosing into their personal business. So she sets up a series of hilarious pranks against him to try and force him to leave. These include pouring just a tad of laudanum into his coffee so that he would fall into a deep sleep, dying his white shirts red, and much more. She, stops at no end to try and get him away. In the meantime, her friend Nick asks for her hand in marriage. She refuses with the argument that he drinks occasionally and is not a Christian. Nick is very disappointed, and tries again, but Beth refuses to budge. Also, Beth befriends and tries to help the prostitute girls at Rafe's Saloon. They are stuck there without choice, and have no way to escape.

Lacy Gallatin, the tomboy youngest sister, is in a mood to help Beth with her silly pranks, and find her father's killer. Her father had been walking past the saloon, and at that moment, everyone shot "into the air" for fun. But someone hadn't shot very well, and had hit her father, and Lacy is determined to find out who that was.

Hank Bishop, the brother of Gwen's late husband Harvey, is on a hunt. When Harvey had ran away from home, he had stolen some stock deeds, and expensive jewelry. He is determined to find it, and he had primarily thought that the Gallatin Girls had his answer. But he is realizing that they do not, and he convinces Gwen and Lacy to take him to a nearby town where he can continue looking. 

Lindsey Luna

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