Sunday, October 23, 2011

The book I'm reading is called Hartford and it is by Angela Elwell Hunt. The story line is the following:

     Daniel hated his brother. He knew it was wrong; he knew his parents, Fallon and Gilda Bailie, would be grieved if they discovered what was in his heart. But he had had his fill living in Taregan's (his brother's) shadow... Taregan the bold, the athletic, the courageous. How Daniel despised him! His only hope was to somehow escape Taregan and the life he'd always known. Then the British soldiers arrive, bringing with them the perfect opportunity, which Daniel accepts ... never dreaming his choices will lead them all into danger, betrayal, and the greatest trial they have ever faced.

     So the story starts out with twin brothers, about twenty, scrambling to be at the top. Their mother, Gilda Bailie favors Taregan. While Fallon doesn't seem to hold this favoritism, he certainly does not favour Daniel. So in this blog, I want to talk about parents favoring a child.
     Obviously, as we see in Genesis, it is wrong. Esau was favoured by his father, and Jacob by his mother. Jacob, then, did not learn his lesson, and favoured Joseph above all of his other sons. The story of Joseph being favoured is a sad one. We see all of the problems that could have been prevented if only Jacob had not favoured Joseph.
    So, I believe that it is wrong to favour a child. Gilda loves Taregan more because he is older, stronger and more cunning, and Jacob favoured Joseph because he was born from his favorite wife. In the end, the other sibling(s) became extremely jealous to the point of doing crazy things, and the favoured child becomes a spoiled brat. Taregan is always told that he is better, and he does not have a problem putting Daniel down because of it. I do not know why some parents do this, but I sincerely insist that it is wrong. It just causes problems, and God created us in his own image, so why would a mother love one son more than the other?

- Lindsey Luna


  1. i like how you brought the bible into this and made such a perfect sync to the book. i feel like you should have talked more of how his parents spoil how and favor Taregan. the fact that you added parts from the bible should also show in your books part to but it didn't really pop out to me in a sense where i would see a more detailed relation to the story.

    i did like the way you set it up but i didn't read the summery or book so i hope you can make it more indebted on your next blog, from the mustache.

  2. Well, the book doesn't talk too much about the different things that the parents do to favour Taregan. However, they do say that they love Taregan because he was the oldest, and I guess just more worthy in their eyes. The story hasnt developed too I will recomment when I understand more about the story.

  3. Good good! This summary gives me an idea of what the book is about and your thoughts on it.
