Monday, October 10, 2011


Gwen Gallatin, who has been thinking that she is cursed, goes to God with her struggles, and gives her life to the Lord. She then later married Hank Bishop. =)

Beth Gallatin, calls a truce with Hank after he ask for her sisters' hand, and stops her childish games. There was no resolution with Nick, but I believe that it will be solved in the next book of this series. Also, she was not able to find any solution to the problems that the girls at the saloon have, but, again, I believe she will find the answer in books two or three.

Lacy Gallatin, after getting into a lot of trouble, makes an agreement with Gwen, that she will stop her foolish hunt for her father's "killer". Also, Dave Shepard, the deputy, declared his love for the wild Gallatin girl, but Lacy refused to even consider him. I am relatively sure that that will be solved in the third and final book in the series. 

Hank Bishop, found what he was looking for after Gwen found the stocks behind the wallpaper in the men's bathroom at the hotel. He then took them back to his mother, came back to the girls, opened a general store, and married Gwen Gallatin. 

This was a story about justice, faith and love. I think that Lacy, made the right choice by swearing to Gwen that she would give up her hunt. I have a hunch however, that the problem is not totally under control. Lacy is known for being pig-headed, and I wouldn't be surprised if Lacy Gallatin still has a long way to go.

        - Lindsey Luna


  1. This is wonderful, I just have a few questions. What are Beth's childish games? How is Lacy pig headed? Those are the only things that I found in this, so keep up the good work!

  2. This is really good Lindsey. I really enjoy reading your blogs! And i really like how you always follow the guidelines which is awesome! Can't wait to read more.Although I think Joel's questions are good, how exactly was Lacy pig-headed?? and what are Beth's childish games?? and what makes them childish?

  3. Well, if you had read the previous post, you would see that Beth's played pranks on Hank such as...dying his shirts, putting laudanum in coffee and such. And Lacy was being pig-headed because she was obsessed with having justice because of her father's death, and did some crazy things that no normal 19 year old girl in the 1800's would do...(=
    This post was just a wrap up since I finished the book and am on to the next one. (It's a series)
